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Monthly Archives: August 2011

Elements of Acceptance

Sun, show me the way.
Moon, remind me of what I forgot to say.
Stars, tell me where I belong.
Morning, bring me to where I've been wanted all along.
Sea, take me to my dreams.
Sky, remember things aren't always as they seem.
Stone, listen to my thoughts.
Mountain, dream that I'm somewhere I belong is what I've been taught.
Dawn, guide me away from my fears.
Night, look at all my fears.

(Note: I am aware that there isn’t really any flow to this poem, but it was a school assignment. A stupid one. I had to use the words sun, moon, stars, morning, sea, sky, stone, mountain, dawn, night, look, dream, remember, taught, and a few others… This was the best I could come up with at the time.)

A Few Simple Questions: 

I have a few simple questions to ask you.
When you make a promise, will you see it through?
Will our love go by so fast,
Or forever will you make it last?
If I died today,
Will I be in your heart to stay?
If I’m ever down or sad,
Will you be there holding my hand?
One last thing…
What would you do if I gave you a ring?

Hey, this is my first ever blog, so, bear with me. I hope you guys like what I post, which will mostly be things I’ve written.